Pecan sultana and butterscotch pie is stunningly delicious dessert! I adore him! Prepare a variety of nuts Pecan (Pecan), which are elongated, with thin and smooth shell and different in appearance and taste core than the more common nuts.

Biscuit base melts in your mouth and wonderfully complements the rich sweet filling

which is an explosion of flavor and taste of walnuts and caramel! If there is ice cream, joy is indescribable!

I suggest you spend a little time on my favorite recipe for Pecan Sultana and Butterscotch Pie. I believe you will be satisfied!

Pastry Base:

200g plain flour
200g butter
100g caster sugar
2 egg yolks
1 metal flan or pie tin

Pecan Filling:

200g caster sugar
120ml water
100g butter
100ml cream
3 leaves gelatine
200g pecans
100g sultanas
pinch of cinnamon
30ml brandy (optional)

1. Sieve the flour and sugar into a bowl and rub in the butter to give a granular texture.

2. Add the two egg yolks and mix together to form a smooth dough. Let rest for 5-10mins in the fridge before rolling it out (5-6mm thick) between two sheets of plastic. Remove the top layer of plastic. Pick up one edge of the other sheet and quickly turn it over, on top of the flan tin. Press in gently to fit the tin. Take off the remaining plastic & trim the edges with the back of a knife.

3. “Blind bake” the pastry by lining it with greasproof paper, then fill with raw rice. This stops the base rising when you then bake it in the oven (160°C) for 15mins.

4. Remove from the oven, lift out the greasproof paper & rice (can be re-used), and let cool.

5. Place the sugar and 80ml water in a saucepan big enough to hold all the ingredients. Bring to boil and simmer rapidly until the sugar begins to turn deep brown. Remove from heat and stir in the remaining 40ml water.

6. Cut the butter into cubes and whisk these into the caramel, followed by the cream.

7. In a separate container, cover the leaves of gelatine with cold water and let sit. Meanwhile mix the rest of the ingredients into the caramel.

8. Once the gelatine is like jelly, drain off all water and heat gently (microwave 20secs). Stir in a little of the mixture to this, then stir this back into the rest of the mixture.

9. Pour the mixture into the pastry base and set in fridge for at least 3 hours. Be-yoodiful!

I’m sure if you prepare this Pecan sultana and butterscotch pie for your friends, will pleasantly surprise em. Long after your party, it will be told your magnificent dessert

Prepare it and then share your experience with us and our readers!

Categories: Eat & Cooking
Anatoliy Simeonov:

View Comments (1)

  • This looks amazing and I have almost all of the ingredients! Can't wait to make it!

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