Effects of alkaline diet in curing diseases

Most of us are very selective and choosy when it comes to buying clothes and accessories but hardly spend time on to understand what kind of food enters into our hollow bag. You would be surprised to know that what we eat, actually is an indirect mechanism to maintain homeostasis.

HOMEOSTASIS is a constantly balanced environment which has to be maintained in the body through maintenance of pH, electrolyte balance, etc.

The whole essence of alkalinity depends on your pH, because for the body to be maintained in a survival state a pH of 7.35-7.45 is essential.
diabetes ketosis, hypertension, strokes, etc” width=”640″ height=”392″ />
The pH is a value indicating a measure of acidity or alkalinity in the body. So, more the pH more is the alkalinity and vice versa.

Alkaline diet for muscles

The impact of alkaline diet on muscle is much pronounced as the process of aging sets in. Studies have shown that the diet rich in potassium, fruits, vegetables decrease the acid load and hence protects from muscle wastage. In people with chronic renal failure which leads to chronic metabolic acidosis, there is a undesired breakdown of muscle mass leading to wastage. Muscle wastage is also seen in conditions like diabetes ketoacidosis, COPD, trauma, sepsis, lung and Renal failure. Hence, increase in the intake of alkaline food makes the conditions less severe.

Back-ache and alkaline diet

Lower back pain is a discomfort which every one person faces at least once in their lifetime. But this can be avoided by increasing the alkaline content in the food.

MECHANISM: Alkaline diet decreases chronic low pain by increasing the intracellular magnesium levels which is important for enzymatic processes and also by activation of vitamin D.

Role of alkaline diet in chemotherapy

For the effectiveness of most chemotherapeutic drugs used in various cancers and infections, an alkaline medium is required. In fact, alkalinity acts as a catalyst in chemotherapy. Hence, artificial induction with alkaline foods is essential for a 100% cure.

Bone strength

A positive calcium balance is key for the bone strength. Alkaline diets facilitate a positive calcium balance and also increase the growth hormone levels which in turn increases the osteocalcin. This osteocalcin helps maintain bone structure.

Chronic diseases

Alkaline diets are known to be beneficial for people suffering from mitigating chronic diseases like lung failure, kidney failure, diabetes ketosis, hypertension, strokes, etc.

Growth hormone and alkaline diet

Growth hormone has it effect on almost all cells in the body. It is required for the normal growth and development of the structures. In children with metabolic acidosis, there is a decreased production of growth hormone, which leads to stunted growth and short stature. This is seen in renal tubular acidosis.

Risks of decreased alkaline food intake

Alkaline foods which are rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium which are the important constitutes of bone. Decreased intake of alkaline food results in cropping off from all these minerals from bone, muscle, teeth and rendering them weak and susceptible to diseases. So it’s never too late to supplement your diet with highly Alkaline foods Since it’s so critical to keep blood pH in balance, the body doesn’t leave much to chance. The most important regulator of pH in the blood is simply breathing. Remember that when you inhale, you breathe in oxygen, and when yo exhale you breathe out carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is acidic in the blood. So the rate of your breathing controls your body’s pH by regulating the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen

Categories: Health
Anatoliy Simeonov:
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