Introduction to Essential Oils Health Benefits

Introduction to Essential Oils and How to Use Them

I started using essential oils a couple of years ago to help me sleep better and I’ve never looked back. Not only did lavender improve my sleep, but I’ve gone on to experiment with and discover dozens of other oils that have some pretty awesome health benefits.

The best thing about essential oils are that they are natural

safe, and with hundreds of different oils you’re going to find at least one to help improve your emotional and physical health.

Now I diffuse oils at home to help me unwind. I make aromatherapy massage oils to relax my muscles after yoga, and use certain oils when I start to feel sick. I rarely have to use traditional medicine now, and with no side-effects and being natural and organic I love using essential oils instead of medicines.

What Conditions Can Essential Oils Help With?

The health conditions and general well-being that oils can help with are almost endless. Some of the most common health conditions people treat are:

  • Improving the feel and appearance of skin
  • Helping to fight off flu and cold viruses
  • Improving sleep
  • Improving mood and relieving stress and anxiety
  • Reducing pain and inflammation
  • Relaxing sore and aching muscles
  • Soothing digestion and muscle cramps

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are extracted from plants and herbs. The oil captures the aroma of the plant, along with the properties the plant or herb contains. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years. Today, aromatherapists can make a blend to help with your needs, or you can just as easily experiment yourself.

Best Essential Oils to Start With

With hundreds of oils on the market it can be confusing at first. While you should do some research to find the best oils for your needs, there are some oils that are great to experiment with and get started:

Lavender – Great for helping you unwind, sleep better, and heals cuts and grazes.

Lemon – A fresh citrus aroma, powerful cleaning properties, and helps cleanse the body.

Peppermint – Fresh, soothes digestive issues, and boost natural energy.

Eucalyptus – A powerful oil to help with sinus issues and congestion, and helps you to feel invigorated.

Ginger – Helps to reduce inflammation, relieves digestive issues and nausea.

Ways to Use Essential Oils

There are a few different suggested method of use. Here are four of the most popular ways, see which works best for you:

Topical Use – Essential oils are great for topical use, but you almost always need to dilute them with carrier oils. This is because they are strong in their concentrated form and can cause skin sensitivity issues.

Always check on a small area of skin the first time you use an oil topically to check for any allergies. It’s rare, but it’s possible to have an allergic reaction.

Diffusing/Inhaling – There are various benefits to diffusing oils around the home. Diffusers create a fine mist of oil and water making it easy to breathe in. Alternatively, you can inhale directly from the bottle.

A good tip here is to put a couple of drops on your pillow if you’re using an oil to help you relax and sleep better.

Aromatic Baths – There are few things more relaxing than a warm bath. One such thing is a warm bath with essential oils. If you’re using an oil that’s great for your skin and sinuses you’ll love having it in the water and steam coming off the water.

Internal Use – Some oils are safe to ingest, but it’s an area you need to be very careful about. Always use as directed on the bottle, never take more than recommended and use a small sample first.

Author Bio:

Hi I’m Jess, I love alternative medicine, blogging, travelling, and more. You can find me at ForYourMassageNeeds.com where I share all my experiences

Categories: Health
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