The Items You Should Bring On A Retreat
Going on a retreat is more than just learning more about yourself and embracing oneself. It’s more than listening to the word of God and meeting new people. Part of it is knowing what items to bring on retreat because it is important to have your necessities in times of need. A retreat is a sacred activity and you better know the things that you may need in order to survive. Think of it as if you are in a vacation.
To know more
see the list below:
You should bring a notebook with you so you will be able to write your thoughts and feelings about the retreat. It is important to have a notebook so you could use it as a way to release your emotions. Let it be the outlet for your thoughts and pain.
You should also bring a book because there will be times where you will be asked to have a time for yourself and it will better if you have something to be busy about. For the better, you can bring a bible with you so you will know more about the Christ’s teachings.
Of course! You better bring on a retreat your medicines with you because you may not know when you are going to have unexpected headaches and such. It is important to have medicines just in case you need them for you to feel better.
While it’s best to leave your phone alone because a retreat is supposed to be a time for you to have a social media detox, it is still best if you could bring your phone for emergency purposes.
Money is a necessity. That’s something that we can’t deny that is why it is important to bring to a retreat a cash that will be enough in case there are mishaps that comes along your way. Better to be safe than sorry!
Author bio:
Mark Aldrin Hipolito is a writer for Kims, one of Australia’s perfect beach retreat places that offers a cluster of deluxe timber bungalows and spa villas on the beach. Mark also gives out guides and tips for people regarding on how the can enjoy their vacation and trips around the world

Thanks to surviving such interesting info and things.