The province of Ontario encompasses over fifty cities. And each of these beautiful cities offers unique features, community types, and lifestyles. Kingston is one of these cities and is located in the east of the province. A population of around 140.000 people calls this place home. But there are many things you have to get informed about before you decide to call it your home. For example, most homes here are rentals, and someone buying a home here is a rare occurrence. This is why it would be important for you to know how to make your rental feel like home if you decide that living in Kingston, ON is for you. 


To help with this, we have compiled a list of the main pros and cons of life in Kingston. This way, you can get an accurate idea of what this city will offer you, good or bad.


Pro: The fantastic location

Kingston has one of the best locations in Canada. This is primarily due to its proximity to both the major cities in Canada and the border with the US.


In just under 30 minutes, you can get to the closest border crossing to the US. This takes you to New York State. For many people, this can be a great convenience. It makes exploring a part of the US easier by going on day trips or even just a night out. Additionally

you can even work at an office in the states and, at the end of the day, get back to your home easily and quickly.

When it comes to domestic travel, it’ll take you less than two hours to reach Toronto, and if you go just a bit further, you can also get to Mississauga quickly. All of these great connections make life in Kingston so much richer. 


Kingston’s excellent connectivity even makes the moving process a lot easier. If you hire movers and get a crew that can handle this, you can move to Kingston in just a couple of days.


Pro: The gorgeous nature

There’s no doubt that Lake Ontario is stunning to look at. Just taking a few minutes to search for pictures of it on the Internet will be enough to help you realize why the ability to gaze upon it every day is such a bonus of living in Kingston, ON. Aside from just looking at it, you can always enjoy it by engaging in water sports. From paddle boarding to wreck diving, Lake Ontario can offer something for everyone.


Aside from this, you can also take on some of the city’s many hiking trails. This way, you can breathe in the fresh air every weekend. Three of the most popular trails around the city are: 


  • Rideau Trail Association, 
  • Lemoine Point Conservation Area, 
  • Trailhead of K&P Rail Trail Connector.

 Lake Ontario at sunset is one of the many natural benefits of living in Kingston.

Pro: Life in Kingston is perfect for sports lovers

Kingston is a city that is any sports lover’s heaven. It doesn’t matter whether you like to take part in it, watch it, or just talk about sports Kingston will offer you many opportunities to do so. The city is famous for many teams and players in sports like: 


  • hockey, 
  • rugby, 
  • golf, 
  • curling, 
  • soccer, 
  • football, 
  • basketball.


And you can also take part in organized events for: 


  • land bowling, 
  • freshwater diving,
  • volleyball, 
  • sailing.


Many free sporting events are open to the public. And they are organized throughout the year. So if you’re living in Kingston, you will have the perfect place to meet new friends, have fun, and integrate into the community.


Pro: It’s green and bike-friendly

The streets of Kingston provide people with plenty of bike lanes and wide pavements, making the city perfect for navigating by bicycle. If you like to be green and enjoy an eco-friendly commute, this is the ideal place for you.

A bicycle in a park.

Aside from helping the environment, this also makes it a lot easier to stay healthy and active while avoiding traffic jams. And if you decide that you need a car, because so many people use bicycles or commute on foot, those traffic jams are pretty rare.


Cons: The cost of living in Kingston is pretty high

The cost of living in Kingston is relatively high. Whether you can leave here comfortably will, of course, depend on your income. However, when you weigh out the average income with the average living expenses in this city, you’ll quickly realize that many cities are much cheaper in the province alone.


As we’ve previously mentioned, most of Kingston’s housing comprises rental properties. The rent prices are the most significant issue when it comes to living expenses. And buying a home doesn’t come cheap, either. There are two main reasons why housing is so expensive here: 


  • The location – As you can see, Kingston’s fantastic location is both a blessing and a curse. The proximity to the lake alone drives up the prices. A lot of people will pay good money to live near a lake;
  • Gentrification – In the past few years, there have been a lot of housing developments in Kingston, and many more people of higher-than-average income have been moving here. This has driven up the prices by a lot. 


Of course, it’s still possible to live very comfortably in Kingston. But this will depend on your income and willingness to live in the city’s suburbs. If you’re looking to buy, you’ll probably have to get creative when obtaining the money you need for a down payment. 


Cons: The job market is not ideal

Technically, the unemployment rate in Kingston is no different from the national average. However, it’s still going to be pretty hard for you to find the perfect job right away. There are two main ways to deal with this issue. 


Firstly, you can always get a temporary job to cover expenses while you search for and obtain the job you’re actually looking for. Secondly, you can also take advantage of the great location we have discussed. It’s easy to get to and from Kingston and connected to other major cities very well. So while you might not be able to get the perfect job in the city right away, maybe you could find it in the surrounding area.


Cons: The student population is pretty high in Kingston, ON

Around half of the city’s population is comprised of students. In general, this shouldn’t pose a problem since the majority of residents are very accommodating and friendly. However, you should keep this in mind while searching for a home here. If you buy or rent a home near a university campus, you can expect some noise and rowdy students at all times of day and night.

Four young women laughing and smiling.

Cons: The weather in the summer is a magnet for insects

The summers can get pretty humid here because Kingston is a waterfront city. This in itself usually doesn’t create much of a problem. But it does create the perfect breeding grounds for insects. 

You can expect a lot of mosquitoes during the summer here. While this shouldn’t be much of a dealbreaker for anyone, it is still important. If you would rather not deal with itchy skin all summer, you should stock up on bug spray or go for one of the other cities in the area.


Final thoughts

As you can see, living in Kingston has various advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it’s a beautiful place with gorgeous views and nature. It’s in a great location and is home to many kind and welcoming people. Conversely, adjusting to noisier nights and insect-attracting weather can be challenging. And you’ll have to get pretty creative with your finances and be open to compromises regarding housing and jobs. For example, you might want to consider downsizing when looking for a new home. The important thing here is to ensure you’re putting yourself first and weighing out the pros and cons to make the best decision WhiteFamilypros and consThe province of Ontario encompasses over fifty cities. And each of these beautiful cities offers unique features, community types, and lifestyles. Kingston is one of these cities and is located in the east of the province. A population of around 140.000 people calls this place home. But there are...My magazine about Health, Homeimprovement, Garden, Travel and many more