How to reduce Weight with Yacon Syrup
Yacon syrup is an organic sweetening agent derived from the yacon plant’s roots. It is native to South America and has been used by the Incas of Peru to sweeten food. It has also been widely consumed because of its nutritional properties. It was recently touted as a very effective way to lose weight by the celebrity doctor, Dr. Oz. This was after he carried out extensive research on the root.
How it works
Basically, yacon syrup is a prebiotic. It essentially controls normal intestinal flora. These are microorganisms which inhabit the intestines, they include; lactobacillus and bifidobacterium. This syrup contains a compound known as Fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS), this is what makes it sweet. However, it is only half as sweet as sugar. These intestinal flora then metabolize this compound to form short chain fatty acids which prevent cholesterol synthesis in the body. These prebiotics also optimize normal body processes such as digestion which subsequently results into overall weight loss.
The compounds found in this syrup also preempt a hunger hormone known as grehlin which curbs appetite thus making users feel fuller. FOS also mediates in the production of gastrointestinal peptides which take part in influencing the pace of gastric emptying. This element of the root comes as a blessing to overweight people because the shorter the time food stays in the body, the less digested it gets. This reduces uptake of long chain fatty acids and cholesterol. Like the Mexican says
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One other thing, when you reduce your weight, you must pay attention to your skin, you should avoid and prevent stretch marks .
How to use yacon syrup
Yacon syrup tastes sweet with a raisin flavor. Research has proven that, for effective weight loss, one tablespoon of the syrup should be taken thrice a day, before or with meals. Heating the syrup to temperatures over 75 degrees Celsius causes it to lose some of its beneficial properties. However, it is quite okay when taken with tea or coffee. Because of its effects on bowel movement, it is not advisable to take more than three tablespoons of the syrup

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