Home buying process

It’s true! Home buying process should not be frustrating; it should not have a worst part! The process, including your interest can fling things up and down, and so can it have a little stress. But buying a home should overall be exciting, especially for the buyer! It’s that one dream that everyone wants becoming real!

However, a common encounter which people had when buying homes is a bit rough. From picking agents top closing loans and scheduling inspections, there can be few hiccups along the way. During our visit to Spring Hill, a 40 year old realtor, we discovered what frustrated their customers during their home buying process.

These are the common issues but people oversee it. They happen

may be these issues are not specific, no one sees it coming. Either way, our points are the home buying challenges people have-you shouldn’t, therefore read through!

Low Inventory

Although winters is the time for homeowners to sell their houses and buyers to buy them, but customers might sometimes fall unlucky. It may take months in finding the home they want, in the climate conditions they want. Despite, the stamina should stay high!

Deceiving Online Pictures

Home buyers go through the deceiving trap of online houses looking way better than in person appearance. Some online profile pictures are more like online dating sites, they disguise imperfections, they deceive on shapes and sizes, and they make things appear better. There can be nothing worse than walking into a home that is dirty and needs repairs and upgrades.

Home Sellers Being Present

Another huge turn off some customers complained about was when they found owners present at the property. This can become uncomfortable in couple of ways; the sellers would seem to peak into everything the buyer is concerned about, the seller follows around-the presence can be frustrating and awkward.

Low Home Price but High Tax

Sometimes finding a low priced home can become even frustrating-the taxes can be high. Home buyers suggest that anyone looking to buy a home should buy one in high tax area. Because, despite a houses price will be under budget, monthly payments on cheaper homes with high tax rates will make the cost look the same as with an expensive home.

Multiple Offers for the Same Home

The toughest of all is the multiple offers situation. You will not understand this unless you live it. The time when you want to put an offer on a home at full asking price, you get a call an hour later for giving the highest and best. Well, you are to simply take a shot in the dark and pray that you are not paying more.


If you ever come across a situation where you need to sell your home first and then buy, you will have a hard time competing with all the non-contingent offers.

Feuding Lawyers

You can have the lawyers getting into a tiff over some contract language and your lawyer and the seller’s lawyer can put you into an awkward situation. Be clear with the seller and in between do talk directly to see if your lawyer and the lawyer of the other party is doing the right thing.

Over Eager Mortgage Lenders

Whichever sale you will be linked to, you will have sales people involved in it, whether it’s a car, house, or an insurance policy. Choose wisely and see the real estate you deal with.

Inspection Process

Home inspections can be useless to some extent. Home inspector can be fantastic or rough, despite the nature of inspector, there’s a lot he can miss out on. He will not be able to see through the walls or spaces they don’t have access to, unless something is right for you to see, do not expect your inspector to show you shocking discoveries


https://allblogroll.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/deciding-to-buy-1024x683.jpghttps://allblogroll.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/deciding-to-buy-150x150.jpgAnatoliy SimeonovHome ImprovementHome,Home buyingIt’s true! Home buying process should not be frustrating; it should not have a worst part! The process, including your interest can fling things up and down, and so can it have a little stress. But buying a home should overall be exciting, especially for the buyer! It’s that...My magazine about Health, Homeimprovement, Garden, Travel and many more