Four Ways To Prevent Cancer Through Your Diet
Your diet is directly related to your health. In addition to fighting off other diseases, a healthy diet can ward off cancer. Eating right may be your ticket to a cancer-free life.
Here are four ways that you can prevent cancer through your diet.
Maintain a healthy and steady weight
People who are overweight or obese face a one in five chance of dying from cancer. Although science does not know for sure why the two are connected, there are theories. People with higher belly weight have a higher risk at colorectal cancer and pancreatic cancer. Overweight women with high belly weight may risk uterine and breast cancer.
Even without knowing how the two are connected
you can prevent cancer by maintaining a healthy weight. You put yourself at a lower risk. And there are many other benefits to maintaining a healthy weight. If you needed motivation to drop a few pounds, prevent cancer through your diet may be that motivation.
Practice portion control with meat
It’s hard to maintain a healthy weight without portion control. But there’s another bad side effect of poor portion control – cancer. More research needs to be done, but there seems to be a link between eating too much red meat and colon cancer. Processed meat puts you at an even greater risk. Too many hot dogs and too much bacon can do more than just clog your arteries.
To prevent colon cancer through your diet, you can eat meat in moderation. And as a general rule, portion control is great for your health. Too much of anything can be a bad thing. Instead of filling up on too much meat, focus on eating more nuts and beans.
Limit your alcohol consumption
Most people realize that alcohol is bad for your liver. But did you know that it can increase your risk of cancer too? There are several types of cancer that seem to be affected by alcohol consumption. Mouth cancer, larynx cancer, liver cancer, and rectal cancer are all linked to drinking. Once again, science isn’t sure why they are connected. But they do know that alcohol combined with cigarettes is even more dangerous.
If you’re looking to measure your alcohol consumption, women should stick to no more than one alcoholic drink a day. Men should stick to two.
Limit salt
In several other cultures, salt is a major part of the diet. People use it to cure and pickle foods, and it’s part of every meal. In those countries, stomach, throat, and nasopharyngeal cancers are higher. For that reason, there may be a link between having too much sodium and cancer. You don’t need to eliminate it from your diet, but try not to be so heavy handed with the salt shaker.
No one should have to fight cancer. But until there’s a cure for it, prevention is the best way to fight it. Of course, you can also keep an eye out for symptoms. Check out if you’re worried about having Mesothelioma. And there are plenty of other resources to help you find out if you have the symptoms of other types of cancer. Educate yourself and follow these tips to do your best to fight cancer

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