The Major Pros and Cons of Montessori Education
One of the most unconventional ways of educating children is through Montessori School System. They learn from their experiences and surroundings within Montessori class walls, while the teachers provide only desire help. Children’s in Montessori School are not empowered by the presence of teachers and learn to grow on their own. The main aim of this system is to enable children to tackle their own problems, instead of a source doing it for them. The school’s small size allows for individualized attention to each unique circumstance even for Montessori preschool class children
Montessori education started in 1907 with Dr. Maria Montessori’s belief of overall human development of the child and not only the academic aspect. The principles on which the Montessori education system was based and is still practiced include the absorbent mind, sensitive periods, the prepared environment
auto education, and the teacher’s role. So what exactly is a Montessori school system? What are the pros and cons of this education system?
The Pros of Montessori Education
1 – Children’s Learn Being Independent
Montessori education does not practice the traditional cultural structure. In regular schools, children are mentored and directed by a teacher who instructs them about their tasks and all are guided at once. In a Montessori education system the students are allowed to hold the reign and move around the class room as they learn and maneuver, occasionally guided by a teacher. This system of educating children enables them to gravitate towards their interests instead of being forced towards some style.
2 – Children Learn From One Another
Montessori classrooms have children’s of all age. One major reason for doing this is to practice the theory that children or even adults learn better when they teach each other. And during this process the older students act as teachers and younger ones learn to accept. The results include lesser bullying rate, as compared to regular public schools.
3 – Children Learn Things at Their Own Pace
Montessori school has countless learning styles. The regular schools have one or two styles followed since always, which give very little chance of letting the children learn differently. While in the primary case, children are expected to find the best way for themselves. This can include listening, reading, creating things, and much more.
4 – Higher Level of Excitement
Regular schools have been complained for killing the desire to learn. Examinations, high stake tests, quiz, and all the natural joy that kids have is easily squashed. Montessori education allows the desire to learn grow. Children’s very easily find out what they are interested in and what will suit them along the path of adulthood.
The Cons of Montessori Education
1 – Not All Students Do Good with Instruction-Less Environment
Although the lack of structure works pretty well for most, but there are children who find it impossible to adjust in an environment that has no guidance. This applies to anyone coming from a very traditional public school. The same kid will take a longer time in getting prepared for such a transition.
2 – Will Find It Hard to Transition
A child might not be comfortable at all in getting adjusted to a structured schooling system after leaving Montessori education system. Since only a very limited number of Montessori schools make it to higher schools.
3 – Montessori Might not be the Actual Montessori
When you look for Montessori School, remember to very carefully and confirm the certification of the school. There can be a possibility that a traditional school be calling itself a Montessori school.
4 – Higher In Cost
Montessori schools usually require a higher cost in order to enroll children. With the general cost of regular schools being so high, majority of the people find it impossible to afford Montessori education for their child

Awesome Post. Keep posting useful articles.