Seven Simple Workouts To Lose Weight Without Going to The Gym

Seven Simple Workouts To Lose Weight Without Going to The Gym

Many people wants to have a healthy lifestyle but not everyone can afford to go to the gym and hire a personal trainer to meet their goals. There are also people who are not really comfortable going to the gym that is why they just remain at their home trying to figure out how they will start working out. Maybe that is why you landed on this page because you also want to enjoy the benefit of working alone in your own home.

If you want to know more about the seven simple workouts that may help you lose weight even without going to the gym, see the list below:

  1. Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks is one of the most simple type of workout that you can do to lose weight

Jumping jacks is one of the most simple type of workout that you can do anywhere. You just have to jump on place simultaneously with your hands and feet. Jumping jacks has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to get that summer body you’ve been longing for.

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  1. Jump Ropes

Jump ropes are just like jumping jacks but with an equipment. You will need a jump rope in order to do it. Some find it hard as you would have to exert effort to not trip on the rope but it’s really an efficient way to lose weight.

  1. Dumbbells

If you are a guy, lifting dumbbells is a great way to gain lean muscles

If you are a guy, lifting dumbbells is a great way to gain lean muscles. If you are a girl and you want to melt away the fat on your arms, lift dumbbells. Lifting dumbbells will give you dramatic results and you will be eager to lift more.

  1. Jogging

The simplest form of workout to lose weight is jogging.

The simplest form of workout is jogging. It is an effective and convenient way to lose weight. You can jog at your own pace without any pressure. If you are a beginner

try jogging for 5 sets of 5 minutes with 60 seconds interval and the day goes by, increase to 10 minutes and so on.

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  1. Push-ups

Push-ups will not just burn the fats on your shoulders but you will also be able to gain muscles

Push-ups will not just burn the fats on your shoulders but you will also be able to gain muscles and you will be able to improve your stamina and strength as push-ups requires great core and balance. This will be hard for beginners but like what they always say, it gets easier in time.

  1. Crunches

Crunches is great for those who wants to achieve a great looking tummy

Crunches is great for those who wants to achieve a great looking tummy. It may take a long time before you get those abs but you will surely lose your beer belly for as long as you commit and do it every single day.

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  1. Shadow Boxing

Shadow boxing is harder that what you think it is. It requires great focus and commitment

Shadow boxing is harder that what you think it is. It requires great focus and commitment. You can’t just punch in the air if your stance is not right. Try searching videos of shadow boxing online and copy what they are doing. You will surely lose a lot of weight!

Author Bio: Mark Aldrin Hipolito is a writer for UrbanRX, one of Australia’s top gym equipment providers that has a wide selection of high quality equipment. Mark writes to help people in their fitness goals and achieve them accordingly SimeonovHealthHealth,Healthly,Healthy Exercise,Healthy Living,Weight LossSeven Simple Workouts To Lose Weight Without Going to The GymMany people wants to have a healthy lifestyle but not everyone can afford to go to the gym and hire a personal trainer to meet their goals. There are also people who are not really comfortable going to the...My magazine about Health, Homeimprovement, Garden, Travel and many more