Treatment for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Millions of people suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, a symptom of an anxiety disorder. Sufferers repeatedly experience intense fear and terror that can last a few minutes to several hours. The episodes can happen any time with no warning even while the person is sleeping.
Fortunately, there are many resources and treatments that help show people how to overcome anxiety and panic attacks. These treatments have provide welcome relief for individuals who have been affected by this debilitating condition.
Causes of Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Although there is no known exact answer to what causes anxiety and panic attacks, it has been suggested that it can be a genetic condition. Several studies concluded that in identical twins where one struggles with overcoming panic attacks, the other twin is 40 percent likely to experience the same.
Yet, anxiety and panic attacks also occur between family members that are not related by blood. Research shows that women suffer with panic disorder twice as much as men.
Symptoms of Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Sadly, the condition can create a cycle of fear because the person affected is always concerned when the next episode will occur. This worry results in a fear of being alone or away from medical help.
Most people begin to show symptoms before they reach the age of 25. Among the many symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks, common indicators include:
– Racing heart and numbness in the extremities
– Having trouble breathing
– Weakness and dizziness
– Feeling a sense of terror or doom
Many people who seek treatment for anxiety and panic attacks also express a fear of dying, a loss of control and a sense of choking.
They also communicate many of the symptoms that are similar to a heart attack. As you can imagine, finding a way to stop panic attacks is quite important for those affected.
A true diagnosis of this disorder can only be made by a health provider. The doctor performs a thorough physical examination, including blood tests
in order to rule out any medical condition that may be the reason for the attacks. Usually, psychiatric evaluation is given and drug or other substance abuse is ruled out as a cause for the symptoms.
The results of these tests can assist the doctor in working out how to overcome anxiety and panic attacks for the individual patient based on the overall physical and mental healt assessment.
Treatment for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Treatment for anxiety and panic attacks includes anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants and other drugs that might help in overcoming anxiety. For some patients, these medications affect the central nervous system in a way which reduces anxiety.
Medical professionals carefully monitor the use of these medications to avoid dependency. Behavioral therapy has proven helpful to some people in tratment for anxiety and panic attacks. This treatment involves working with a therapist in cognitive restructuring, positive mental imagery, relaxation and other techniques. Read our other post onpanic attack treatment for more information.
It has been proven that getting enough sleep, exercising regularly and eating habits reduce the frequency of panic attacks. Alcohol, caffeine and other stimulants can trigger symptoms.
Anyone who experiences symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks that begin to interfere with work, family or self confidence should see a doctor as soon as possible. For sufferers of this disorder, getting the needed help on treatment for anxiety and panic attacks can restore the quality of life that everyone deserves

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