9 reasons why nobody reads your blog
Build it and they will come. This is very far from the truth when it comes to internet marketing, it is amazing how many people share this thought process. Creating a solid relationship with your social media community will take time, it will require careful thought and planning. You will have to align your business objectives and find a way to reach them.
At this stage you need patience
also you should really try and focus on your audience. Think about what you can offer them that isn’t already out there, there are literally millions of bogs out there so you need to find a way to stand out from the crowd. For this reason I think it’s necessary give it to you straight, the top 9 reasons why nobody reads your blog.
There are 9 reasons why nobody reads your blog
1. Your blog is unattractive
From the moment someone clicks through to your blog you have about 5 seconds to convince them to stay. An unattractive blog really won’t do you any favours. You need to make your blog visually pleasing otherwise your users will click out before they even look at the content.
2. Your blog is not mobile compatible
Nowadays almost everyone uses a mobile phone, you probably have it within reach right now. If your blog doesn’t work with popular mobile devices such as iOS or android then you are giving yourself a huge disadvantage. Access your blog through your mobile phone, if it looks bad, then it probably looks bad on everyone else’s phone too. You need to fix this. Mobile marketing campaigns can greatly increase visitors to your blog.
3. Your titles are over the top
Don’t oversell your blog, you’re not doing yourself any favours, if anything you’re hurting your chances at making the blog more successful. Instead of focusing on captivating titles try and focus on captivating content, as that is what will get your post shared on social media sites, and in turn will help your audience grow.
4. You have way too many pop-up ads
If the user has to keep clicking through popups just to get to your content, you can be pretty sure they won’t come back to your blog. Try and keep annoying things off your blog, particularly at the start of your blogs lifecycle as it can be damaging to your blog growth.
5. Your have terrible content
There is nothing worse than a blog with terrible content. You are basically pointlessly wasting words. Don’t be that guy that blogs about the same topics everyone in your niche is blogging about, try and help people with your posts, and give them valuable content, this way they will find value in your blog.
6. You don’t know your audience
If you do not know who your audience are, then it will be very difficult to write content that will inspire and connect with them. You need to get in their head, understand what they need, what they will need from you and how you will help them solve their problems.
7. You don’t blog consistently
People would like to know that you will be blogging more than a few times a year. Once you develop a plan for your blogging, you should really set a specific calendar for you blogging and stick to it, this will ensure your readers get the highest value possible.
8. Your blog has no community
This is one of the most important aspects, you need to ensure that you are putting in an effort to connect and engage with your audience, this will help build a community. Remember these are the people that are helping your blog grow so pay attention to them and nurture the relationships with your readers.
9. You are waiting for perfection
Sometimes you need to know when something is good enough, if you are constantly chasing perfection then you will never get anywhere. Embrace what is not perfect about your blog and remember it is a journey. Humble yourself and take your readers along that journey where your blog is constantly improving. Then in time success will come and your audience will celebrate with you as they will feel a part of your success since they went along this journey with you

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