Is your keyword research foolishly underused?
The key objective of your keyword research mostly traffic, more traffic and enormously more traffic.
You are quite satisfied that you are taking full benefits of your keyword research.
You must have achieved a few of your posts at higher rank. You must be thanking search engines for
My question is:
Do you think that tools of keyword research are made just to help people get more customers?
Do you think every business just want more and more customers.
If it is so, does a business work in isolation? Has it nothing to do with its surroundings.
Don’t you want to know:
How people are behaving with regard to a product.
How is the trend of public demand for a product?
Why a product is being sold at lesser or higher price right now.
You can know all this with your keyword research quite easily. Just a little understanding of the power of
keyword research is required.
Every tool offers multiple benefits but we the poor souls from personal blogging just look at the benefit of
traffic, traffic and only traffic.
That is why most of the bloggers complain that despite of having a huge traffic on their blog still they
have an empty or small bank account.
If a blogger says he is earning some money it means he is not fully utilizing this best ever tool. He is just
supporting earning potential of his blog with this awesome tool.
The main difference
What is the difference between online and offline publications. In offline publications we can guess only
what people are searching to read. Or what they would love to read.
In online world we have accurate data on the basis of previous month or year that what people are
searching on internet. We simply have to make search engines notice our contents and rest is their job to
bring visitors to our blog.
What is underused of keyword research?
So instead of doing our every forecast with this wonderful method we still make guesses. If a blogger is
selling an ebook on a topic related to our topic you assume you can also sell it.
You forget the fact that a good product is good only if it is sold to right audience. The best buyers of a
fragrant shaving cream are those who want to enjoy shaving. It means only youngsters could be its best
who just started shaving and take it as fun.
Unexploited benefits of keyword research
The main objectives of keyword research in addition to bringing huge traffic are:
To know what to create for beginners
What type of questions people are asking related to your niche and it will help you create a product for
them? How to create a blog easily; it’s a keyword that tells people want ease and no lengthy process to
create a blog.
So you can create an ebook or tutorial to train them how to create a blog easily. It also means it’s a
demand of those who want to blog as hobby. So you need to work smart and invest lesser because you
have to keep its price low. People don’t spend much on their hobby.
Which product professionals want to buy?
If an interrogative keyword with pronouns “how”, “what”, “where” “who” or “when” has huge number of
searches what does it mean?
If it is “how to make money blogging and quit your job” it means problem is very serious. A huge number
of people seriously want to get rid of their job.
Either they are underemployed or low paid. They want a switch-over. Also it shows they don’t want to
invest more because they already are quitting their job.
So they would not spend their savings till they start earning from their blog. Here again this keyword hints
that a product could be created to help people start a blog, make full-time living with it in shortest
possible time.
To know how competitors are doing great
It’s a little easier to ascertain. If your competitor is growing fast you can pick the keywords of a few of his
top posts and check their searches.
If their searches are raising it means he also examined the keywords in Google Trends to see if their
demand is rising permanently.
So you also have to check your keywords trend before using them in your contents.
To know why your keywords have now lesser searches
It also happens that at the time you shared a post it might have a huge number of searches. Not the
seasonal keywords like Christmas or Black Friday but regular type of keywords. They get a huge
demand just because of any ongoing development related to it.
Google penalty is a keyword that gets higher searches when Google update is released.
If a few of your posts’ keywords searches declined you need to share them on social media more
vigorously. You can also publish somewhere a guest post to promote each of such posts to get more
traffic on it.
Once it’s sharing is fully optimized then again check how are the searches of their keywords. If they are
still low you can display such posts prominently on your home page. Also you can internally link them in
those posts whose rank is higher on Google search page.
To know local versus global searches
Also check how is the local versus global searches of a specific keyword. If a keyword has more local
searches you can easily sell physical products by creating contents with them.
For delivery of physical products you or your merchant has no problem at local level. If a keyword has
higher global searches it means you need to focus on selling digital products that are downloadable quite
If you look at above objectives none of them require any special effort. While searching good keywords
for your quality content you can do all the above tasks easily. But the benefits you would get in return are quite
higher than the amount of labor you do.
You are right that the main objective of bringing more and more visitors is to convert them if you are
really a money blogger. But will any visitor convert if he or she is not related to your niche and arrived on
your blog just finding it at top of Google page.
So with a relevant long tail keyword you can bring relevant visitors to your blog and then sell them your
product if you follow the above tips as well.
Otherwise you would also ever be complaining that you have huge number of visitors but yet to make
your first 100 dollar with your blog.
Do you think still there are some other benefits we can get by doing keyword research? Do share them
with us to help us keep learning and improve. We are here in blogosphere to learn from each other.
I am sure you would also share this post on social media with all those who want to get more and more
traffic only with their keyword research
very informative post over here
Indeed keyword plays an important role in making our sites ranked well in the search engine.
Applying right keywords is a mindful game, but still there are many bloggers who complains that either by putting right keyword
in their niche, they are not able to make money or attract more traffic to their blogs
Linking the post internally, along with the post which have higher traffic is a good idea.
I will share this around.
Thanks for the sharing this among us.
Hey Anatoliy,
Keyword research can be one of the biggest concepts people aren’t getting. Knowing about the local versus global search is necessary.
Most of the people target the highly searched keywords. For which, it’s hard to get your article indexed at the top.
Thanks for elaborating it.
Hello, for me the keyword search is a topic I still learning, I’m a new blogger and I think this may be important for attracting traffic to my blog.
Very helpful post! I am honestly really bad at keyword research I need to do better to get more organic traffic.